Appendix B - Gateway API error codes

101The system detected too many requests in a few seconds. The user is probably flooding.
102The system detected two previous failed transactions with the same payment details.
300Check fraud module: An unknown error occurred when trying to apply risk rules to the transaction.
301Potential fraud detected by our Risk Dept.
500Blacklist module: An unknown error occurred.
501The credit card appears as blacklisted in our database.
502The bank account appears as blacklisted in our database.
503The email address appears as blacklisted in our database.
504The ip address appears as blacklisted in our database.
505The credit card appears as blacklisted in the V3 database.
506The PayPal account appears as blacklisted in our database.
507The SEPA account appears as blacklisted in our database.
700Check user module: An unknown error occurred.
701Check user module: An error occurred on checkUser callback.
702Check user module: Username not available or wrong callback response.
900Calculate amount currency module: An unknown error occurred.
1100Account routing module: An unknown error occurred.
1101The payment type is not accepted.
1102Account routing module: No active routes found.
1103Account routing module: No payment method set.
1104Gateway or GW Merchant account is not active
1300Process payment module: An unknown error occurred.
1301Payment processor's generic internal error.
1302Bad request or bad parameters sent to the payment processor.
1303Bad credit card info.
1304Bad debit card info.
1305Bad bank account info.
1306The transaction was declined by the issuing bank.
1307The transaction was rejected due to insufficient funds.
1308The payment processor can't process the settlement.
1309The settlement was not batched yet by the payment processor.
1310The specified processor_transaction_id was not recognized by the payment processor.
1311The purchase authorization failed.
13123D secure error.
1313The card number or email address associated with the transaction is in the processor's negative database.
1314The transaction was declined by the payment processor's risk management dept.
1315Payment processor API auth failed.
1316The transaction was declined because the card has expired.
1317The specified processor does not exist.
1318The processor account is not enabled for this transaction type.
1319The transaction was declined by the issuing bank. Note that the amount has still been reserved on the customer's card and will be released in 3-5 business days.
1320The card type is not allowed.
1321Your request has failed the CVD check. Please note that the amount may has still been reserved on the customer’s card and will be released in 3–5 business days
1322Invalid card number or, card number and brand combination.
1323The transaction was rejected because the provided expiration month and year are invalid.
1324The payment processor returned an unknown error.
1325The processor does not accept direct debit transactions.
1326The processor does not accept credit card transactions.
1327Unable to parse the response returned by the processor.
1328The bank has requested to retain the card. The transaction was rejected.
1329The transaction was rejected because the card is reported as stolen.
1330The transaction was rejected because the card is reported as lost.
1331The bank has requested to retry the transaction.
1332The velocity check failed.
1333You submitted a card type for which the merchant account is not configured.
1334The card number or email is blacklisted by the processor.
1335Transaction processing refused
1336Transaction not permitted to cardholder.
1337Transaction not permitted to terminal.
1338PIN related error.
1339Processor or bank timeout.
1340Acquirer/Bank account error.
1341Acquirer/Bank batch error.
1342The card number has been deleted from the PAN DB.
1343The ip address appears as blacklisted in the processor's database.
1344The email address appears as blacklisted in the processor's database.
1345The country appears as blacklisted in the processor's database.
1346The transaction was rejected because the card is reported as blocked.
1347The transaction was rejected because the amount is invalid.
1348Blacklisted by the bank.
1349The specified language is not supported by the processor.
1350The specified country is not supported by the processor.
1351The specified currency is not supported by the processor.
1352The payment processor is down for maintenance.
1353The processor does not accept money transfer transactions.
1354Duplicate request.
1355Bank Merchant account configuration error.
1356The processor does not accept ACH transactions
1357The bank routing number is invalid
1359The pre-approval key has been canceled.
1360The processor does not accept SEPA transactions.
1362The pre-approval key was not created.
1364An unknown error is received from the acquirer.
1365Transaction has not been received yet.
1368Amount limit exceeded (e.g. daily limit)
1369Problem connecting to gateway. Http client exception; probably a network issue or bad url. Please escalate to tech.
1370Please check transaction status in acquirer's BO and refund if successful.
1371Declined by the issuing bank. SCA might be required.
1372Cardholder has requested that all authorizations be stopped for this account or the account is closed.
1373The processor does not accept PIX transactions
1374The processor does not accept CRYPTO transactions
1375Recurring payments not supported
1376This merchant is disabled.
1377Cancelled by user.
1378Restricted card.
1379The processor does not accept FAST transactions
1380The processor does not support this MIT transaction
1381The payment processor received an error from the card network
1382The CVV is required by the processor
1383Payment was not registered
1391Merchant-Connector is disabled (no processing possible).
1500Subscription module: An unknown error occurred.
1501The specified subscription_id does not exist
1502The subscription was not reactivated.
1503Subscription can not be created on a whitelabel site without an offer.
1700Process Rebill module: An unknown error occurred.
1701The subscription cannot be upgraded because is not active.
1702The subscription cannot be upgraded because the current rebill is not an upgrade.
1703The subscription cannot be upgraded because the upgrade rebill was not found.
1704The subscription cannot be rebilled because is not active.
1705The subscription cannot be upgraded because has been already upgraded.
1706Process InstantUpgrade module: An unknown error occurred.
1900Calculate income module: An unknown error occurred.
2100sendsms app exception
2300Migration account routing module: An unknown error occurred.
2301Migration account routing: The current scenario does not match any routes.
2302Migration account routing: There are not any routes configured in the platform.
2303Migration account routing: No payment method set.
2500Process Sale module: An unknown error occurred.
2600Process Recharge module: An unknown error occurred.
2601Recharge is not permitted on the same GW merchant account as the origin.
2602Recharge was canceled because refund on original was not successful.
2603Preauthorization is not supported on this gateway or payment method.
2700Process SaleImport module: An unknown error occurred.
2900Process Refund module: An unknown error occurred.
2901Transaction was already refunded.
2902The transaction was not refunded because a chargeback was imported on this transaction.
2903The refund was not permitted because the processor account is in overdraft.
2904The settlement was already fully credited by the payment processor.
2905An unsuccessful transaction cannot be refunded.
2906The settlement you are attempting to credit has expired.
2907Refund restriction violation.
2908Transaction was already partially refunded.
2909The settlement you are attempting to refund has not been batched yet. There are no settled funds available to do a partial refund.
2910A free transaction cannot be refunded.
2911The processor does not support refunds on this payment method.
2912The referenced transaction is not settled (it's probably still pending) and therefore it cannot be refunded yet.
2913Transaction cannot be refunded.
3100Process chargeback module: An unknown error occurred.
3101The chargeback cannot be imported because the transaction_id does not exist.
3102The chargeback was already imported.
3300Check duplication module: An unknown error occurred.
3301Subscription already exist for this email in this site.
3302Subscription already exist for this payment details in this site.
3303Check duplication: Payment method not available.
3304Subscription already exist for these payment details in this merchant.
3305Mandatory merchant reference data missing.
3306Multiple signup attempts from same IP / E-mail on same day.
3307Subscription already exist for this program in this merchant.
3308Duplicated transaction for this email, site and transaction type.
3309This site is suspended.
3310There is already a transaction in progress for this email and site.
3311There is already a transaction with the same merchant reference
3500Cancel discount offer module: An unknown error occurred
3700Billing schedule module: An unknown error occurred.
3701The specified billing schedule id does not exist.
3900Subscription billing schedule module: An unknown error occurred.
3901The specified subscription billing schedule id does not exist.
4100User action: An unknown error occurred.
4101The user action was not recorded.
4300Email app exception: An unknown error occurred.
4301Email service: bad external credentials (error from provider).
4302Email service: external service timed out - 3rd party service not available.
4500Callback engine: An unknown error occurred.
4501AddUser failed: An unknown error occurred.
4502AddUser failed: user already exists.
4503DelUser failed: An unknown error occurred.
4504Transaction callback failed: An unknown error occurred.
4505The updateUser callback failed.
4506CancelUser failed: An unknown error occurred.
4507ReactivateUser failed: An unknown error occurred.
4508Callback is not supported for this callback class.
4509changeOffer callback failed: An unknown error occurred.
4700Process OneClickSale module: An unknown error occurred.
4900Process OneTimeShot module: An unknown error occurred.
5100Process UpdatePayment module: An unknown error occurred.
5101The subscription cannot be updated because is not active.
5102The subscription cannot be updated because has no successful transactions.
5300Process XSale module: An unknown error occurred.
5500Process XSaleUpsell module: An unknown error occurred.
5700An exception occurred in the processor's class which was processing this transaction.
5898You are not allowed to blacklist this customer.
5899Partial amount is invalid.
5900An exception occurred in the API.
5901Mandatory parameters missing.
5902Merchant-ID is invalid.
5903Transaction-ID is invalid.
5904Action-Type is invalid.
5905Signature or AuthToken is invalid.
5906Transaction already refunded.
5907Transaction successfully refunded.
5908Refund rejected.
5909An exception occurred in the API.
5910Mandatory parameters missing.
5911Merchant-ID is invalid.
5912Subscription-ID is invalid.
5913Subscription already canceled.
5914Signature or AuthToken is invalid.
5915Subscription successfully canceled.
5916Subscription cancel failed.
5917Reason ID is invalid
5920An exception occurred in the API.
5921Mandatory parameters missing.
5922Merchant-ID is invalid.
5923Subscription-ID is invalid.
5924Amount is invalid.
5925Currency is invalid.
5926Merchant Transaction ID is invalid.
5927Site-ID is invalid.
5928Transaction-ID is invalid.
5929Signature is invalid.
5930Transaction blocked by Risk.
5931Upsell Site-ID is invalid.
5932Transaction declined by fraud.
5933Transaction declined by bank.
5934Transaction blacklisted.
5935Invalid payment details.
5936Transaction declined.
5937Transaction successfully processed.
5940An exception occurred in the API.
5941Mandatory parameters missing.
5942Merchant-ID is invalid.
5943Subscription-ID is invalid.
5944Signature is invalid.
5945Subscription successfully updated.
5946Subscription update failed.
5950An exception occurred in the API.
5951Mandatory parameters missing.
5952Merchant-ID is invalid.
5953Subscription-ID is invalid.
5954Subscription already active.
5955Signature or AuthToken is invalid.
5956Subscription successfully reactivated.
5957Subscription reactivation failed.
5958Site reactivation is suspended.
5960An exception occurred in the API.
5961Mandatory parameters missing.
5962Merchant-ID is invalid.
5963Subscription-ID is invalid.
5964CDO Model-ID is invalid.
5965CDO not available for subscription.
5966Signature or AuthToken is invalid.
5967CDO successfully applied.
5968CDO failed.
5970Missing parameter: subscription_id
5971Missing parameter: days
5972Subscription not found
5973Subscription expired
5980Request failed
5981Missing parameter: subscriptionId
5982Invalid subscription ID
5983Subscription not found
5984Signature is invalid
5985Missing parameter: signature
5986Request successful
6100Process Token module: An unknown error occurred.
6300The specified transaction was already finalized in the past.
6301The payment was not confirmed by the bank.
6302The transaction was interrupted by the user. He probably hit the back button while being in the external payment form.
6303The transaction was not completed in the expected period of time.
6304Trying to do a test transaction without test mode activated.
6305The phone verification step was not completed by the user.
6306The internal verification step was not completed by the user.
6307Vendo Risk rules requires verification for this transaction.
6308Verification process: An unknown error occurred.
6320Verification filters: An unknown error occurred.
6400unknown 3D Secure error
64013DSecure process was interrupted because of an internal error
64023DSecure transaction failed
6403This 3DSecure transaction was already authorized in the past
6404This 3DSecure transaction failed already in the past
6405The 3D Secure transaction was not completed in the expected period of time. Vendo did not get a Payment Authentication Response from the issuer.
64063D Secure: An unknown error occurred
6407The credit card transaction cannot be processed with 3D Secure
6408Verification failed. Cardholder failed or cancelled 3-D Secure Authentication.
6409The 3D Secure authorization step was aborted by the user.
64103DS attempted, but Liability Shift rejected
6411Issuing bank failed to provide proper 3D Secure authentication.
6412Too many authentication attempts in short time - please wait before trying again.
6413Error received (from Directory or ACS).
6500Process Revoke module: An unknown error occurred.
6501Transaction was already revoked.
6502An unsuccessful transaction cannot be revoked.
6700Process Repurchase module: An unknown error occurred.
6701Repurchase does not work with tokens or lifetime offers
6900Check Simility module: An unknown error occurred.
7010BinDbLookup module: An unknown error occurred.
7020FisML module: An unknown error occurred.
7100Process ChangeOfferUpgrade module: An unknown error occurred.
8100An unknown gateway error occurred.
8101Invalid gateway API request method.
8102Invalid gateway API JSON request.
8103Invalid gateway API credentials.
8104The gateway account is not configured.
8105An invalid gateway API parameter was passed.
8200Unsuccessful capture
8300Unsuccessful capture
8301The pre-auth transaction cannot be captured anymore. It may already have been release or captured.
8400Default error code for Release pre-auth function
9000Middleware app extension
9001The specified MW function doesn't exist
9002The create module of specified function doesn't exist
9003Dispatcher exception
9004Some mandatory parameters where not set
9005Middleware module extension
9006The specified translation doesn't exist.
9007Transaction is locked.
999999An unknown error occurred.