Use this API to access your transactional data. Read the previous page for more details.


ColumnType (Length)Description
siteIDsintegerSite identifier
startDatedateStart date
endDatedateEnd date
transactionCountintegerTotal number of reported transactions for the request.
dateTimedate timeDate and time of the transaction.Timezone: CET
typeintegerTransaction type: See, transaction types.
isNegativeintegerDefines whether money will be debited or credited to the content provider. (0 = no; 1 = yes)
isTestintegerDefines if the transaction was a test-transaction. Test-transactions will not be credited to the content provider. 0 = no 1 = yes
siteIDintegerVendo's site ID.
paymentMethodIDintegerDefines the payment method that was used with this transaction.
binintegerFirst 6 digits of a credit card.
lastFourintegerFour last digits of a credit card.
expiryMonthchar (2)Two digits number representing the expiration month of a credit card. Using a leading zero when needed e.g. '09'.
expiryYearintegerFour digits number representing the expiration year of a credit card.
merchantReferencevarchar (1024)Custom data passed through a join link.
sellerAffiliateCodevarcharUnique seller affiliate code for crossales.
originalTransactionIDintegerVendo's unique transaction ID of an original transaction associated with a refund or chargeback.
programIDvarcharProgram ID
campaignIDvarcharCampaign ID
affiliateIDvarcharAffiliate ID
reafundReasonvarcharReason message for transactions of type refund
chargebackReasonvarcharReason message for transactions of type chargeback
acquirerIDintegerUnique identifier of the Acquirer
acquirerNamevarcharAcquirer's name
statusintThe status of the transaction. 0 = Rejected, 1 = Successful
error_codeintThe error code of the rejection reason.
error_messagevarcharThe description of the rejection reason.
amountfloat unsignedAmount the end user paid.
currencyvarchar (3)Currency of the end user's payment.
amountfloat unsignedInvoice amount converted to your preferred reporting currency.
amountGrossfloat unsignedReporting gross amount.
currencyvarchar (3)Your preferred reporting currency (Default USD).
taxRatefloat (3)Tax rate
amountfloat unsignedAmount displayed to the end-user.
currencyvarchar (3)Currency shown to the end-user.
offerIDintegerOffer ID
TypeIDintegerVendo Offer Type ID.
pricePointTypeIDintegerPrice Point type ID
pricePointIdentifiervarcharPrice point ID
pricePointDurationintegerPrice Point Duration
pricePointDurationUnitvarcharPrice Point Duration Unit
pricePointAmountfloatPrice Point Amount.
customerIDintegerCustomer ID
emailvarcharEnd user's email address.
firstnamevarcharEnd user's first name.
lastnamevarcharEnd user's last name.
streetvarcharEnd user's street address.
zipvarcharEnd user's postal code.
cityvarcharEnd user's city.
countrychar(2)End user's country. 2-letter ISO codes.
languagechar (2)End user's language. 2-letter ISO codes.
ipvarchar(39)Customer's IP address
subscriptionIDintegerSubscription ID
usernamevarcharEnd user's username.
passwordvarcharEnd user's password.

Error codes:

MANDATORY_PARAMETERS_MISSING0Mandatory parameters missing.
MERCHANTID_IS_INVALID5Merchant-ID is invalid.
AUTHTOKEN_IS_INVALID6AuthToken is incorrect.
ACCESS_DENIED9No permission to access API. Please contact Vendo: [email protected]
DATE_IS_INVALID1001Date-Format incorrect. Use YYYY-MM-DD
DATE_OUT_OF_RANGE1002Date out of range.
INVALID_MONTH1003Invalid month in date.
INVALID_DAY1004Invalid day in date.
ENDDATE_SMALLER_THAN_STARTDATE1005Startdate has to be smaller than enddate.
QUERY_EXCEEDS_TIMEFRAME1006Query exceeds max reporting timeframe.
REPORTS_AVAILABLE_UNTIL_TODAY1007Reports are only available up to "today's date".
INVALID_SITEIDS2001SiteIds contain non integer values.
ANAUTHORIZED_SITEIDS2002SiteIds contain unauthorized IDs.
UNAUTHORIZED_TRANSACTIONID2003TransactionId unauthorized.
UNKNOWN_ERROR9999Unknown error occurred.