This endpoint enables you to process transactions securely and efficiently through our API.



Timeout should be set to at least 30 seconds.
It can take up to 30 seconds to process a transaction.

API Response

statusint1 if the transaction was successful.
0 if the transaction failed.
2 if the transaction needs further verification (see Appendix A and the result element)
external_referencesroot elementThis parameter contains the following 4 child elements.
All these values are pass-thru values, meaning that they will be posted back to you exactly as you entered them in the request.
transactionroot elementThis parameter contains the following 4 child elements.
The child elements contain details of the transaction that was processed.
This element will only be present if your request passed all the parameters validation rules.
transaction.idintVendo's Transaction ID. Save it for your reference.
transaction.amountfloatThe amount of the transaction.
transaction.currencystringThe currency of the transaction.
transaction.datetimestringThe transaction's date time
Formatted using the ISO 8601 with time offset from UTC
subscription_scheduleroot elementThis element will be present if subscription_schedule was specified in the API request.
subscription_schedule.subscription_idintVendo's Subscription ID. Save it for your reference.
card_detailsroot elementThis element will be present if paymentmethod was set to _card and if the response status is 1
This element contains the following 1 child element.
auth_codestringThe credit/debit card auth code.
trace_idstringThe trace_id is a unique identifier assigned by the card scheme network (e.g., Visa, MasterCard) to a transaction processed through our payment gateway. This identifier facilitates future referencing of the transaction within the card scheme network.
sepa_detailsroot elementThis element will be present if payment_method was sepa and if the response status is 1
This element contains the following 2 child elements.
sepa_details.mandate_idstringThe SEPA's Mandate ID
sepa_details.mandate_signed_datestringThe date the Mandate was signed by the user, this is basically, the date time when the user accepted to get charged.
Formatted using the ISO 8601 with time offset from UTC
payment_details_tokenstringTokenized payment details for the current request. Returned only on non-tokenized payments. Save this token and use it for recurring payments without asking the customer to enter their payment details again!
errorroot elementThis element will be present only if the status is 0.
This element contains 3 child elements.
error.codestringVendo's Gateway error code. See full list here.
error.messagestringA brief detail of what went wrong.
error.processor_statusstringThe status code returned by the acquirer or bank. This
resultroot elementThis element will be present if the status is 2, i.e. the transaction was neither accepted nor declined.
This element contains 3 child elements.
result.codestringVendo's Gateway error code. See full list here.
result.messagestringA brief detail of why the transaction was not accepted.
result.verification_urlstringIf this element is provided you must redirect the end user to this URL to complete the verification process (see Appendix A)
request_idstringThis is the request unique identifier that gets created by Vendo's Gateway on each request.
You need to send this value to Vendo's Client Services team when you open a support ticket.


Running test transactions

You must pass the is_test parameter and set it to 1.


3D Secure / Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)

For an overview of the 3D Secure or other verification process flow, please refer to the detailed outline here.
