Checkout page: Running test transactions with PIX


IMPORTANT: Email address used in tests

Please always use a fresh, unique email address for every new test! If you have a Gmail account, you can add a plus (+) and a random string before the @ sign. Ex. [email protected]


NOTE: Use non-recurring offers

PIX does not support recurring transactions at the moment. Make sure you configure and use non-recurring offers.

Running PIX test transactions

  • In the checkout page,
    • select Brazil in the Country dropdown.
    • select PIX in the Payment Method dropdown.
    • in the CPF field enter one of the following values:
      • 842.989.480-21
      • 661.391.167-40
      • 543.866.314-96
      • 944.749.092-16
  • Fill in the rest of the details and click on "Confirm your secure purchase"
    See the image below:
  • On the next page you will see the PIX interface, you don't need to do anything here, just wait a few seconds and the test transaction will be confirmed automatically.
    See the image below: