Explanation of transaction types

1S2S Sign-upServer-to-server initial transaction with stored payment details.
2S2S Cross SaleServer-to-server Cross Sale payment with stored payment details.
3S2S PaymentServer-to-server one-time payment is initiated by the merchant, where the customer provides payment details on the checkout page. It can also be a rebill of such a transaction.
10Sign-upInitial payment for the service on Vendo’s checkout page (recurring, non-recurring and lifetime subscriptions). Can be a trial or a full membership.
11One-time paymentOne-time payment transaction via Vendo’s checkout page.
13Cross SaleTransaction type that allows the visitor to buy a secondary product at the same time as the primary product (normally a Sign-up).
15RebillAn automatic, scheduled recurring charge on a subscription.
16UpgradeAn automatic, scheduled charge that converts a non-cancelled trial into a full membership.
17Instant UpgradeCustomer-initiated upgrade that converts a trial into a full membership before the trial period ends.
18Change OfferThe billing schedule on a subscription is changed to a more expensive one, f.ex. when going from monthly to yearly charges.
20ChargebackA fraudulent or disputed transaction by an issuer on the behalf of the customer. The payment card will normally transfer this liability to the acquiring bank and the acquiring bank to the merchant that initiated the transaction.
21VoidFunds held by a Pre-Auth transaction are released back to the customer because they cancelled their free trial.
30RefundTransaction type with a negative amount, where the merchant sends back the funds of a positive transaction in full to the customer.
31Partial RefundTransaction type with a negative amount, where the merchant sends back partially the funds of a positive transaction to the customer.
32RDR RefundRapid Dispute Resolution - a type of refund that is initiated by the issuer to prevent generating a chargeback.
40RevokeA previously successful transaction is reverted. Sometimes a transaction is prematurely accepted as successful but subsequently fails to be cleared in the payment system. Possible reasons include technical issues, network issues, and payment methods that cannot be approved immediately. Similar to a refund except that the customer was never charged in the first place.
60VerificationA stand-alone authentication attempt, f.ex. 3D Secure, phone verification or captcha. The customer is not charged yet but maybe charged later, using this verification transaction as proof of identity. Usually used with Gateway Payment transactions.
61Pre-AuthA temporary hold on a customer's payment card that typically lasts around 5 days (depending on the issuing bank), or until explicitly captured or released. Note that some issuing banks allow temporary holds for much longer.
62Free Sign-upInitial transaction free of charge for the service. Like Signup, but free of charge.
63Update Payment MethodChange payment details for an existing subscription. No charge is made, but a small amount may be held (see Pre-Auth).
64Streamate PaymentA one-time payment for webcam service. Used with Streamate if you partnered with them.
65Streamate Sign-upA signup for webcam service. It’s a one-time payment that may be followed by Streamate Payments initiated by the customer. Used with Streamate if you partnered with them.
66Free Cross SaleSecondary product offered on the checkout page free of charge at the time of purchase. Like Cross Sale but free of charge.
100One-click Sign-upOne-clicks allow existing members to purchase additional services (recurring and lifetime). Like Sign-up, but with stored payment details.
101One-click PaymentOne-clicks allow existing members to purchase additional non-recurring products on a site. Like One-time Payments, but with stored payment details.
102Vendo Sign-upInitial payment for the service made by a returning customer on Vendo’s checkout page. Like One-click Sign-up but without a special one-click payment link.
103Vendo One-time PaymentOne-time payment made by a returning customer on Vendo’s checkout page. Like One-click Payment but without a special one-click payment link.
104Vendo Free Sign-upInitial transaction free of charge for the service made by a returning customer on Vendo’s checkout page.
105Revshare One-clickCross-merchant one-click with Vendo-managed revenue-share payout model.
106Revshare One-click PaymentCross-merchant one-click one-time-payment with Vendo-managed revenue-share payout model.
107Revshare Free One-clickCross-merchant one-click free of charge with Vendo-managed revenue-share payout model.
110Repurchase Sign-upUser purchased again an expired membership.