PayGarden lets customers pay you using major brand gift cards online.
Vendo allows your customers to pay for your content using gift cards from major brands.
We've have partnered with PayGarden which is a company that works with leading gift card networks, they allow you to accept payments from gift cards from hundreds of top brands in the USA.
When a user decides to buy content using a Gift Card via PayGarden we redirect the user to an external page where the user enters the GC details (brand, value, code, etc) and confirms the action. Then PayGarden gets the value, takes its fee and uses the result to inform Vendo the available amount for a non-recurring membership.
PayGarden is integrated with USA gift card networks only.
Please get in touch with your account manager to know more about PayGarden and request activation.
Offer configuration in NATS 4 with biller VSERVICES integrated
If you're running NATS version 4 and you have the biller VSERVICES configured in the Billers admin then you need to add a new join option with the VSERVICES Offer ID: 1002 to all your sites.
Set $30 as the initial amount and duration to 30 days. This is just a dummy configuration, please read the important notes section below for more or details. Do NOT automatically expire the membership after 30 days!
NATS version 3 or 4 with biller VENDO or LOCALBILLING integrated
If you're running NATS version 3 or if you're running NATS version 4 with the biller VENDO configured in the Billers admin then you need to add a new join option with the Vendo Identifier: paygarden to all your sites.
Set $30 as the initial amount and duration to 30 days. This is just a dummy configuration, please read the important notes section below for more details. Do NOT automatically expire the membership after 30 days!
Important: NATS users
The final amount paid using a gift card will be posted to NATS in the Transaction Postback.
Vendo will also tell NATS when to cancel memberships paid with gift cards.
Do NOT automatically expire the membership until you receive the DelUser Postback!
Updated 4 months ago