
The subscription view also allows you to issue a refund.

This is particularly useful if a user has multiple payments for one subscription and you need to review them in depth.

  1. Select Subscription from Sales > Subscriptions main view to see the subscription details.
  2. Scroll down to Related Transactions.
    You can select multiple transactions on this section by checking the boxes on the left from the transaction ID.
  3. Choose a Refund Option:

You have several refund options available on the top bar.

Refund: Standard refund process.
Cancel and Refund: This option is applicable to recurring subscriptions. No further charges will apply.
Refund and Expire: Note that this option does not apply to lifetime offers, tokens, etc.

  1. Select Refund Reason:

From the dropdown menu, choose the reason for the refund, then click "Continue."

  1. Confirmation:

A confirmation message will appear on the screen indicating that the transaction has been refunded successfully.