How to run test transactions

Log into Vendo's back office

Go to and enter your credentials.



Create test transactions using incognito/private windows to ensure that you start with a fresh session each time.

Click on your name and then click on "Start test session"


You will see this message: You're ready to start testing!

Load Vendo's payment page URL and enter the following details.

Credit Card:

  1. Go to (Replace YOUR_SITE_ID with your actual Vendo Site ID)
  2. You must use this test card number 4111111111111111
  3. You can use any future date for the expiration date.
  4. You can enter any 3 digit number in the CVV field.

Direct Debit (SEPA):

  1. Go to (Replace YOUR_SITE_ID with your actual Vendo Site ID)

  2. Choose a country where SEPA is available.
    In this example, we will choose Germany (DE).


    Currently we are working with:

    Austria (AT), Denmark (DK), Finland (FI), France (FR), Germany (DE), Netherlands (NL), Norway (NO), Sweden (SE), United Kingdom (GB)

  3. Use the test IBAN number (Germany):DE89370400440532013000

    Other test IBAN numbers:
    Austria AT483200000012345864
    Denmark DK9520000123456789
    Finland FI1410093000123458
    France FR7630006000011234567890189
    Netherlands NL02ABNA0123456789
    Norway NO8330001234567
    Sweden SE7280000810340009783242
    United Kingdom GB33BUKB20201555555555

  4. Use the test email for SEPA: [email protected].

  5. Click the Continue button. You will be redirected to the Account Verification page.

  6. Choose the same country code as in the previous step (DE in our example).

  7. Type the phone number 123456789.

  8. Click the Continue button.

  1. At the next verification step, type the code 12345.
  2. Click the Continue button.


Simulate a rejected payment

If you need to test a rejected payment then you must use blockme as the password.