
Test the integration


Integration phase

During the integration phase you will only get access to the API Secret for TESTs which will allow you to test the integration with Vendo. Please note that no live transactions will be processed during this phase.
Vendo will provide you with the API Secret for real transactions after you complete the integration and have completed at least 1 successful test transactions.

Test cards

In order to be able to create test transactions with Vendo you first need to check the "Vendo Gateway Test Mode" on, go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payments tab to activate it.

Then, when testing the plugin, you can use the following payment details

  • Credit Card Number: 4111111111111111
  • Expiration date: Enter any future year and month
  • CVC: 123
  • EMAIL - IMPORTANT: Always use a fresh, unique email address for every new test! If you have a Gmail account, you can add a plus (+) and a random string before the @ sign. Ex. myemail+123@gmail.com

See the following page for card details for testing 3D Secure.

The checkout form

The image below shows an example of how the checkout form would look: