Instant Upgrade link

The instant upgrade link is used to allow end-users that are currently on a trial membership to quickly upgrade to a full membership.

If your users click on an instant upgrade join link, they are sent to a Vendo page where the user needs to confirm the action. If the user confirms the action then a transaction postback will be posted to your platform and the user will be redirected to Vendo's confirmation page. If you provide a success_url then the user will be redirected to that URL from Vendo's confirmation page.

Base URL

The base URL for the instant upgrade link is:


You can customize the link by adding parameters to it.

You can use the following parameters to customize the instant upgrade page.

ParametersData typeMandatoryDescription
subscriptionintegeryesVendo Subscription ID.

This is the Vendo Subscription ID that were posted to your platform when the trial transaction was processed.
signaturestringyesThe URL Signature.

For more information, see Signing URLs
success_urlstringnoCheck Standard Join link, redirection parameters section for details.
decline_urlstringnoCheck Standard Join link, redirection parameters section for details.


For the sake of this example, let us assume that the value of your end-user subscription number is 1738, and the URL signature is 2zTP5OfWQX:

Redirection parameters

See the "Redirection parameters" and "Placeholders" sections under Standard Join link, redirection parameters section